Show seasons vary from region to region but, no matter what region we belong to, we should
always properly prepare for our animals to come home. Preparing for homecoming gives us the
opportunity to clean, accumulate all of our necessities, and get the area ready to house the
animals. Depending on our area, we have to take into account weather, disease, and barn
management. Some things that we need to have ready no matter the species of our animals are
feed, working water sources, heat sources, cooling sources, etc.
Now that we understand how to properly prepare to bring animals home we can start to plan out
our basic feeding plans. Nutrition is a majorly vital subject to consider when raising show
animals. Feeding and nutrition is a super cool science that can be super complicated to explain
but here are just some basics the industry normally follows. Usually, prospect animals are started
on a starter feed, then switched to a grower feed, and finally switched to a finisher feed closer to
processing. Starter feeds tend to have higher protein content and grower/finisher feeds have less
protein. Now, keep in mind that each animal is going to grow differently individually but
understanding the basic functions of protein content will help you get your animal to its target